
Wednesday Night Open

moderatelyradicalliberal9/12/2012 8:38:49 pm PDT

re: #326 General Nimrod Bodfish

I see these pictures of the Libyans in Benghazi holding signs apologizing to the US over the death of our ambassador and Libya’s biggest supporter of the revolution, and I can’t help but think that the citizens of Libya shouldn’t apologize, nor should be expect one from them (though we do, and should, welcome them).

No, the ones who should be apologizing are the ones who inflamed the tensions there, the ones who planned and carried out the attack that not only killed our men there, but also embarrassed the people of Libya who are thankful for the support the Western world gave them while their own people fought and died for the revolution.

A part of me wants the perpetrators of this heinous act that killed Christopher Stevens and three other men to be captured by Libyans, held (humanely) by Libyans, tried by their fellow Libyans (fairly), and if convicted, serve out their sentences in Libya. But I would also be happy if the perps were captured/killed by DEVGRU (formerly SEAL Team 6)/Delta Force/Predator drone/other American means.

The best way we can honor Mr. Stevens and the fallen three is by continuing his work with Libyans to further a free, democratic government through diplomacy.

I agree it’s not for them to apologize. But it’s sweet and kind and the world needs all of those two things it can get.