
Appalling Incident at Missouri State Fair: "Anyone Want to See Obama Run Down By a Bull?"

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce8/11/2013 1:23:02 pm PDT

Side note: I’m a severely novice botany enthusiast (was unexpectedly given a habanero plant as a gift in the spring, and that somehow sparked an interest in all things vegetational) and this fucking heat (100+ for several straight weeks now) is murdering my plants. Being an apartment dweller, my options are limited. If I keep them out on the balcony, they wilt in a matter of minutes. If I keep them indoors, they don’t get enough sunlight.

Also, I’ve recently developed a HUGE colony of fungus gnats. I don’t know where the hell this came from. Most of the remedies I’ve found on line haven’t been effective. I’m eager to try this one, in no small part because the viciousness of it seems somewhat satisfying, given how annoying the gnats are:

A biological control option for control of fungus gnat larvae is applications of certain insect parasitic (or entomopathogenic) nematodes as a drench to the growing medium. Insect parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms that enter fungus gnat larvae through natural openings such as the mouth, anus and breathing pores. The nematodes emit a bacterium that digests the internal contents of the larvae. Fungus gnat larvae die within three to four days. The nematode species Steinernema feltiae is particularly effective against fungus gnat larvae.

HELL YES! I wanna go all David Cronenberg on their asses. Not sure how to acquire these microscopic nematodes of doom, however.