
Mike Huckabee Says Women Use Birth Control Because They "Cannot Control Their Libido"

klys (maker of Silmarils)1/23/2014 12:16:14 pm PST

re: #18 Charles Johnson

So the right’s defense of this fucked up statement is that Huckabee’s being “misquoted?”

It’s incredibly obvious: his point is that women wouldn’t need these prescriptions for contraception from the government if they could just control their libidos. Sure, he cast it as a ridiculous smear against Democrats, but he revealed his own thinking.

And Republicans are perfectly willing to stand in the way of access to contraception even when it is not being ‘provided by the government’ (because somehow having the insurance you pay for cover the medications you and your doctor decide are right for you is BAD and EVIL) because SEX.

I have been on birth control since I was 12, for medical reasons. It did not turn me into a raging slut. And yet Republicans support people who would refuse to dispense my medication to me because they think it is immoral. Or it might cause an abortion. Or whatever bullshit reason they have that boils down to “could enable a woman to embrace a role other than the one we dictate for her.”

That is not empowerment, Mr. Huckabee.

/I’m not spitting nails yet, but I’m getting close.