
PBS Science Correspondent Miles O'Brien Calls Out Fox News's Irresponsible Coverage of Ebola

Dark_Falcon10/05/2014 2:01:51 pm PDT

Bill Maher fired off an anti-Islam blast on Friday. If this has been discussed before, I apologize, as I just read about it:

Furious Ben Affleck blasts Bill Maher and guests on-air after they claimed Islam is the ‘motherload of bad ideas’ and compared religion to being in the Mafia

Journalist Nicholas Kristof then cuts in, telling Maher he was painting an ‘incomplete’ picture of the religion by failing to account reformers like activist Malala Yousafzai.

‘Or how about the more than a billion people who aren’t fanatical, who don’t punish women, who just want to go to school, have some sandwiches, and don’t do any of the things you say all Muslims do?’ Affleck adds.

Maher responds to this by saying: ‘One reason they (other views) don’t get exposed is because they are afraid to speak out. Because it’s the only religion that acts like the Mafia. That will f***ing kill if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.’