
FCC Classifies Internet Service as a Public Utility

Reality Based Steve2/26/2015 7:13:02 pm PST

re: #26 nines09

From the top of the page Charles writes; “This ruling opens the way for communities to build their own Internet access services and frees them from the tyranny of the huge corporations who have no incentive to make things better. It’s a huge win for the citizens of the US, who have lived too long with substandard Internet connection speeds compared to the rest of the world…”

And do you know how many people are TOTALLY ignorant on the details and think it’s a grab by the government in some way, shape or form? Don’t know what it is, but it’s bad. Going to cost more money. New crimp on Freedums and LIbtrees?

A few months ago I was talking with my Dad. He’s a retired electronics engineer (Commo and Crypto primarily) , and he asked me what the deal is with the net neutrality issue. I explained that basically it was to prevent a provider from providing more band width or favoring one company or content over another. That all traffic had to be granted equal access and a level playing field. I could hear him chewing on that for a moment, and he replied with: “Oh, now I understand why the republicans are dead set against it”. I love that man!