
The Republican Party Is Heading Toward a Cliff

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/15/2015 1:24:19 pm PDT

Know what’s truly frightening? As deranged and disloyal as the GOP leaders are, they are the polite face of conservative America compared to the base, the embarrassed uncles who do their best to keep the clan’s savage children out of public view.

Case in point: This freeper string on, of all things, contaminated Blue Bell ice cream:
3 Kansas Hospital Patients Die From Blue Bell Ice Cream Products
The original poster focuses immediately on the usual RWNJ scapegoats and the mob takes it from there:

Is Blue Bell a unionized company? If so, that could explain the tainted products since union worker are notorious for sabotaging companies (see the GM plant in Lordstown, OH for one example among numerous others). If not, does Blue Bell hire criminal invaders? That’s another plausible explanation for this. At the frozen food section of a store, a customer I spoke with attributed it to incompetency and dirtiness of illegal alien workers.

One elaborates the scenario by adding Obammunist sabotage:

It’s not stretching things much to suspect hussein’s (ie Obama-SK) involvement as well. His regime has undertaken a series of moves to destroy the Texas economy including last year’s obola outbreak and the recent collapse of oil prices at the behest of his (hateful term) masters.

That’s right folks, a freeper thinks the President of the United States may have deliberately poisoned Texas ice cream at the behest of powerful Muslim interests and, rather than raucous derision, the theory receives polite endorsement. This is not a parody, the remarks are not cherry picked at all, and they come from the first few comments.