
Sarah Palin's Tasty Word Salad of the Day: "When You're Here, Let's Speak American!"

Rightwingconspirator9/06/2015 10:48:35 am PDT

re: #25 stpaulbear

If he manages to get elected, he’ll have articles of impeachment filed against him within the first year.

Lets help prevent that whole thing. Saw this had been retweed so HT to B Sharp, ran down a link.

When 75-year-old Robert Guillo hears candidate Donald Trump speak for “the silent majority” and promise to “put people back to work,” he has to laugh.

Guillo is one of hundreds of former “students” of the now-defunct Trump University; an entity the New York attorney general says was a grand scam that put $5 million in Trump’s pocket.

“As soon as I attended the first workshop, I knew I had been scammed,” Guillo said. “Every single workshop, they charged you another amount. Everything was to get you to spend more and more and more.”