
Glenn Beck Is Embarrassed He Supported Her: "Sarah Palin Has Become a Clown"

Amory Blaine9/10/2015 12:51:12 pm PDT

Governor Fuckface fellates Reagan (again) on his tour of stupidity.

Scott Walker pledges to take on federal unions on Day 1 as president

Standing on the stage where Ronald Reagan “found his voice,” Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sought to find his own Thursday as he promised to repeat his actions in Wisconsin by taking down federal workers’ unions on his first day in the White House.

Hoping to restart a stalled campaign, the GOP governor came here to the alma mater of his political idol and debuted a new stump speech before next week’s Republican presidential debate.

“On Monday, I will travel to Las Vegas to lay out our big, bold ideas to transfer power from the big government union bosses to the hardworking taxpayers,” Walker said. “For example, on day one, I will stop the government from taking money out of the paychecks of federal employees for political union dues. That protects workers from being forced to give money to candidates they don’t support.”