
Anti-Gay Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Not Complying With Court Order

CriticalDragon11779/21/2015 9:43:47 pm PDT

Wingnuts still haven’t given up their dream of removing a chunk of land from the United States, and starting a new nation where they don’t have to obey a supreme court that forces them to tolerate things like gay marriage.

WND Pundit: Conservative States Should Secede And Start A Godly Nation

Maybe Kim Davis could be their first president, assuming they even let women vote, or run for public office. Some wingnuts wish we never passed the 19th amendment.

‘I Don’t Believe In Women Voting’: Theodore Shoebat Declares That ‘Women Have No Place In Politics’

Thankfully, contrary to what they might believe, there’s no practically way that they could bring about the secession, and most Americans even in the reddest of red states, its doubtful are as extreme as the folks over at World Nut Daily!