
Trump Surrogate Jason Miller Backs Out, Then Trump Adviser A.J. Delgado Deactivates Her Twitter Account

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/24/2016 7:27:47 pm PST

Over at Wonkette’s Dear (redacted) for Brains column (this here Website is a family friendly place), they had a comment string about a person who posted a comment and confused the words “libertarian” and “librarian.”

I had to read that to my wife, the Libertarian Librarian (tm). She got a hoot out of it:

The Librarian

If Joe cannot differentiate between librarians and libertarians, then he’s got issues far greater than being a natural for Shit fer brains. Sorry I missed this one at the time. I would have enjoyed pointing and laughing. Or all capping WRONG!!!!! at him.


Librarians know everything
Libertarians know nothing.
Seems pretty simple to tell the two apart to me.

Zippy W Pinhead

librarians will lend you a book

libertarians will bore you to death with a ridiculous speech about the sanctity of private property and refuse to let you have the damned book


Librarians say “Let me look that up for you.”
Libertarians say “I have faith that the free market will provide a solution.”

TX Dept. of Brad Relations

^ That there’s a winner.