
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Teacake!2/21/2009 8:51:56 am PST

None of this had made any mention of this here in New Orleans that I’m aware of. No one on local talk radio has brought this up. People here in Louisiana are just so grateful to have an honest politician for pretty much the first time ever! He is a very hard working and dedicated public servant and so far does not seem to be in this for himself in any dishonest illegal way.

There was a question on that link about what he has done about foreclosures and also to my knowledge, people in Louisana haven’t had these problems. I guess its because the cost of real estate isn’t overwhelming. He’s very much involved in trying to help the coastal problems that created the dangers of hurricane damage. I’m not all the way awake right now to be more detailed and specific. lol