
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

lawhawk1/05/2010 12:32:10 pm PST

re: #19 recusancy

You think that an airstrike to take out such a facility would incite the relatives (the folks who sent their kids to the facility) beyond their already irrational desire to see their kids become suicide bombers?

re: #24 darthstar

You could call it a school, or you could call it a terror training camp. Or an indoctrination facility - the output of said school, camp, or facility is suicide bombers and terrorists whose intentions are to murder those who are considered enemies of those who set up the school and those who aren’t sufficiently Islamic enough for their teachers.

I’m not sure I’d carry out airstrikes against the facility, but the Pakistani military carried out military ops in the vicinity and drove off the Taliban who ran the “school” and they found this barbarism in full evidence. How many lives did they save by shutting down this facility?