
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

lawhawk4/05/2011 10:30:37 am PDT

When you make completely unrealistic projections about growth, jobs, or other economic indicators, everything else that follows will be bogus.

Such was the case when states made revenue projections that simply couldn’t be sustained into a recessionary economy - and the resulting deficits broke the bank for several states. Had those states held to much more conservative estimates of growth and tax revenues (instead of wishing for 8% - assuming 4% or less growth for instance), the budget situations in those states would not have gotten so bad - requiring the serious cuts in places like NY, CA, and NJ among others.

Rinse and repeat with the pension funding mess - assuming Wall Street growth ad infinitum and hoping those paper profits can eliminate the need for state contributions in some cases - (see NJ), and otherwise leading to even worse pension obligation shortfalls.

Now, you’ve go the House GOP making the same mistake that they claim the Democrats had been making on the economy - assuming unrealistic job and revenue growth which BTW, if it should come to pass would essentially seal an Obama reelection (because it’s the ECONOMY, stupid) barring other international events like another major terror attack on the US, etc.

No, what we need is a reasonable - and conservative - estimates for job growth and revenue growth in coming years, and if that is indeed taken into consideration, the rosy projections made by the GOP fritter away.
