
Fox Nation on 'Fast and Furious': A Deluge of Death Threats and Racism

mr.fusion7/08/2011 12:42:06 pm PDT

O’Reilly Compared DailyKos To The KKK And Nazi’s Because Of Comments Posted On The Site:

During the July 18 edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, while discussing JetBlue’s decision to sponsor the YearlyKos convention, host Bill O’Reilly asserted that the blog Daily Kos is a “hate website[]” and opined: “There’s no difference between the KKK and the Nazis, who have websites, than the Daily Kos. Because the Daily Kos is basically saying, ‘We’re allowing this kind of thing to come on.’ “ O’Reilly then offered the following examples of the type of commentary that purportedly appears on Daily Kos: ” ‘It’s good that [White House press secretary] Tony Snow has a recurrence of cancer; we hope he dies. We’re sorry the assassination attempt against Dick Cheney failed; let them try again.’ And on and on and on and on.”

O’Reilly previously compared Daily Kos to the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan on the July 16 edition of his program and, as Media Matters for America documented, defended this comparison the following night. O’Reilly maintained that “[t]he comparison is valid” and, in response to a viewer who said that O’Reilly “owe[d] me and thousands of others an apology” because “you should not compare anything to the Nazis,” asserted: “Hate is hate, sir. That website traffics in it, as do the Nazi websites. No difference.”

Additionally, the examples of Daily Kos content cited by O’Reilly appear to have come from user comments — not Daily Kos blog posts. There is no reason to believe or suggest that the handful of offensive comments that O’Reilly singles out are in any way representative of the thousands of comments appearing on the site or the views of those who operate the site. For instance, O’Reilly’s reference to Daily Kos “hop[ing]” that Snow “dies” apparently comes from a comment on a March 27 blog post.