
Herman Cain Accused of 'Sexually Suggestive Behavior'

Lidane10/30/2011 6:08:18 pm PDT

re: #1 windsagio

I’m sure these women will prove to be evil sluts out to destroy a good man, just like Anita Hill.

Like fucking clockwork. Here we go:

….will Anita Hill make an appearance with pubes and a coke can?

Time for the scum to start doing a Clarence Thomas on Herman Cain. DemocRATS are the scum of the earth. The racist bass turds.

It took four reporters to come up with this tripe? Surely Anita Hill could have penned better fiction for less.

Yep. Time to bring out the paid whores who here to set up the candidate (Cain). I’ve seen this kind of crap happen before when the “establishment” needs to get rid of a good decent person.

Wonder who hired them? We got another Judge Thomas deal going here?

He will be Thomased all over again.

pubic hairs on a coke can again ?

Politico is like the Alphabets online. Leftist as hell.

Who funds them? Soros?

Anita Hill is back? Geez, whoda thunk it? I can’t wait for the woman Judge to come out and speak again. Geez what a riot that one was.

What took so long?

I expected this liberal crap a while ago…as soon as he started creeping up in the polls.


Because we all know that liberals think of blacks as nothing more than animals and each as a potential sexual predator. That’s why they think that using these lies will hold sway with the American people, because they think all Americans have the same warped, degenerate, racist views that they have.
