
By semi-popular demand: I'm Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/06/2011 5:01:19 pm PST

re: #31 Buck

So the sentence: “what it is that would make any Jew cozy up to Evangelical Christians whose only aim is to see them all betrayed by the Anti-Christ and then die horribly” is clearly talking about the fringe?

Well, yes, it’s talking about those Evangelical Christians who feel that way.

How do you explain why he talks about the fringe?

To make that example relevant you would have to say if someone who is part of a religion believes homosexuality is a sin that will send unrepentant homosexuals to hell, a gay person would be a fool to ‘cozy up’ to anyone who is part of that same religion holding that view.

That is what I’m saying. Gay people would be fools to think that conservative Catholics, for example, have their political interests at heart. Gay Catholics may want to change the church, but that won’t be done so by cozying up to them, but by confrontation.

Do you understand that you can’t judge everyone who is part of one religion by their religion?

I’m not judging anyone.

You say “Not all evangelical Christians have anything like that desire”, but do you believe it?

Um. Yes. That’s why I wrote it.

Would you tell Ausodor that?

He can read, and, as I said, I think he’s of the same view. There’s probably a signfiicant percentage of evangelical Christians who grew up in that tradition who don’t even really know this, or think of the end of the world as being comfortably far off.

Would you be offended by by people who have the opposite view?

No clue what you mean by that.