
Texas College GOP Leader 'Jokes' About Obama Assassination, Wingnut Blogs Silent

wrenchwench11/17/2011 10:37:56 am PST

Texas College Republicans respond on Facebook:

TCR Press Release

AUSTIN, TX – This afternoon news broke regarding a tweet made by Texas College Republican’s Secretary Lauren Pierce that made light of what might have been an assassination attempt at the White House.

“We would like to assure all of our supporters that neither TCR, nor any of the affiliated chapters, condone the comments made by Ms. Pierce from her personal Twitter account. This issue will be handled with the utmost of care. TCR has always prided itself on being an organization of principle, strong leadership, and integrity; and it is unfortunate that Ms. Pierce’s comments have affected TCR in this manner.

TCR respects the sanctity of human life, and although we may disagree politically with President Obama, our organization respects President Obama and the position he holds as our Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief. Our organization also realizes that calls for violence are the never the solution for any disagreement, political or otherwise.

TCR is now calling for the official resignation of Ms. Pierce from both her position as Secretary of the Texas College Republicans, and as the President of the University of Texas College Republicans.”


Texas College Republicans is the statewide federation of over 30 College Republicans chapters in Texas. A branch of the College Republican National Committee and auxiliary of the Republican Party of Texas, TCR works to grow the influence of the Republican Party on campuses, campaign for conservative candidates at all levels of government, and develop leaders for future party service


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