
Marco Rubio: Just Another Right Wing Creationist

Ian G.11/19/2012 11:17:05 am PST

And we have to hear this in a country that is becoming rapidly more secular.

I’m a 32-year-old Catholic-turned-atheist. I have a lot of problems with the GOP, but the biggest one begins and ends with the rejection of the scientific method in all walks of life, whether it be cosmology or climate science or even macroeconomics (it would appears that global economic events of the last 4 years validates loose fiscal monetary policy given the relative strength of the US economy over the austerity-laden EU zone).

Until the GOP starts to base its policy positions on reason and evidence and not blind dogma, it will never have my vote. And given how well the GOP brand is doing with my younger, secular cohorts, I’m apparently not alone here.