
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

wrenchwench2/22/2024 9:44:25 am PST

re: #319 Semper Fi

The Biden age issue seems to be growing and I feel about Harris the same as Clinton. I voted for Clinton but didn’t think she presented herself to the world as well as she could have.

The ‘Biden age issue’ would not be an issue without his opponents making it one. Yes, he’s old. Yes, he may not complete another term. Yes, Harris may need to step up to the big desk. She may not be first choice for second place. But I hate to see you weaken the ticket in an effort to strengthen it. Joe Biden served 2 terms as VP, and look what a good president he’s made. Harris has served a good first one. It would upset a lot of circumstances to make a change now.