
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 3:14:18 pm PST

Charles, please correct your post to note the following:

a) The Netherlands has hate speech laws which result in criminal imprisonment, which Wilders himself may face.

b) Wilders has overall preached against all hate speech laws. However, his opinion is that, should the laws still exist, the Koran should be banned as it is as hateful as anything out there which has been banned under the Dutch laws.

c) Wilders has called for 100% total freedom of speech, and did so quite openly. NO book bannings. He only wants FAIRNESS, should the current laws exist. [citation]

Wilders is arguing - in arguendo - that the Koran should be banned. It is quite obvious. Charles, you at least owe your readers the information that Wilders has sought 100% freedom of speech, and teh context of his statement of banning the Koran.