
CPAC Live Video 1

astronmr202/26/2009 6:59:12 pm PST

re: #302 UberInfidel67

I agree with every damn paragraph you typed. The bottom line is “Jews? Either leave the entire ME or live like dhimmis, or face anihilation”. That is all. Peace my ass! And yes, it is all to look like they are “trying”. Who is gonna have the balls to stand up and say “You know what? YOU got ALL this land and they have a sliver. WTF more do you want? No, honestly…say it…c’mon, spit it out. You want the destruction of Israel.”

I do wish a real world leader would finally call this for what it is. Let the rest of the world witness a true debate on the topic by shedding some real light on the situation. Let’s show copies of “protocols of the elders of zion” sitting on bookshelves in palestinian classrooms. Let an American president call them out on their cruel, hateful, sick, disgusting use of children for propaganda.

I think Rudy might have gotten the “word out” if he was elected. Oh well.

Israel owes the Palestinians NOTHING. not even the food, electricity, and medical care they provide. Israel should complete walling off the rest of it’s territory, and let the rest of the world take on the welfare state of “Palestine.”

…Respond with deadly force when mortars and rockets come over the walls, and lay to waste the countries that dare provide the Pali’s with even a stone for throwing.