
Overnight Wave

iceweasel12/05/2009 10:06:59 am PST

Atlas is shrieking about islamomuslim chicken at KFC, by the way, because a Brooklyn KFC is serving halal chicken:

The comments are filled with people talking about how Col Sanders was a Mason. Here is a sample:

Col. Sanders was a Freemason and a Shriner. Every Shriner is a 33d degree Mason who takes an oath to Allah, Mohammed and the Koran.

my favourite:

Boycott KFC or run the risk of eating food that has been dedicated to a false god.

closely followed by the one which starts off like this:

And now I’m going to take the time to explain The Great Seal of the United States:The most prominent element is the number 13…

This is wingnut GOLD, Jerry, GOLD!