
Duck, Watching

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/05/2010 8:09:00 pm PDT

re: #298 Querent

upding for a magnificent Fisking and mention of Bhopal!

Thank you. Honestly, he was the guy who had to take physics for engineers twice when he discovered that he had to integrate… I have had a dozen failure students like him. Somehow though, they get jobs anyway apparently.

The reference to Bhopal was not an accident. Fools who think that infrastructure “is just fine” and use mantra that evil regulators shouldn’t mess up profits are exactly what led to Bhopal.

re: #302 Reginald Perrin

If you have read his comments at the cesspool, it obvious that isn’t the only thing he is clueless about.

Ohh I assure you, I am well aware that he is one of their most astonishing and ignorant morons.