
Live Video: Geert Wilders - Update: 'In the Name of Freedom, No Mosque Here!'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]9/11/2010 3:23:49 pm PDT

re: #326 Floridagirl

Gosh, Frank, get a grip, I’ve not emoted at all…I just share the same opinion that most of the country does…move it a few blocks and done…I am not advocating that they give up their property rights, nor am I saying they should be forcefully taken from them…I bet someone will cut them a good deal a few blocks away, they build their mosque, worship Allah, do their outreach, simple…

You know that’s their neighborhood, right?

You know muslims were killed in the 9.11 attacks, right?

You know there’s a mosque near the WTC site that predates the WTC itself, right?

You know there’s a muslim prayer center in the Pentagon Itself, right? Literally inside a building attacked

You are completely illogical. Your reasoning has no basis in facts or reality.

You are on the wrong side of history. braying bigots do not get to tell people where they can worship. Breitbart does not get to tell people where they can worship. hate bloggers do not get to tell people where they can worship. Skinheads do not get to tell people where they can worship. Paranoid dutch nativists do not get to tell people where they can worship.

These muslims are AMERICANS.

They are just as American as you are. Really, more so, because you don’t seem to appreciate the constitution, you think you can just wipe your ass with it when a plurality of America is stirred up by vicious politicians. If a majority of americans got to supersede the constitution, we’d never have had a civil rights act. Maybe that appeals to you.

Gullible Americans who are uninformed and easily led like sheep do not get to tell people where they can worship.

Freedom is a real thing, it’s not conditional.

So yeah, enjoy breaking bread with skinheads. Enjoy agreeing with their sentiments.