
Video: The Feynman Series: Beauty

Birth Control Works10/03/2011 9:27:02 am PDT

re: #192 boxhead

There is a huge difference between, not everyone needs or will benefit from a college education, and high school is good enough. Why is education so feared or reviled now? Trades are good jobs as long as the are not filled with illegal immigrants who will drive down pay to the poverty level. My point was that USA NEEDS a whole lot of college educated people in order to compete with the rest of the world. And in doing so, why are these young folks having to enter a soft job market with so much debt? It will be the highly educated that will help turn our trade deficit around. Not Mike Rowe type jobs…

I am really shocked that this is even an issue here.

I think there is a disconnect here. I’m not talking jobs one can do without training and/or experience. What I refer to as Mike Rowe jobs are vital to the nation and are going unfilled because of our perception of the “trades”. One can’t just walk into a tool shop and start making tools. Tech trades require education and if one has a business degree on top of that — all the better for the individual and the country’s future.

What we don’t need are more 2.5 GPA Business Degrees.