
Fox News Commenters Spew Racial Slurs at President Obama (Again)

funky chicken11/17/2011 5:01:12 pm PST

re: #318 albusteve

agreed…I’d like answer regarding GE…millionaire farm subsidies…where the stimulus money went, and who the hell answers for it…I’d like to see names published, incomes, secret deals cut with the feds…there is a ton to discuss if people want to

These are real issues that will resonate with voters, IMHO. I find it extremely discouraging that neither political party seems interested in asking these specific questions. All they do is stand around shouting talking points at each other and finding new ways to squeeze the middle class.

I got hit by a FEMA rezoning…my house (which has never flooded, ever) just got put into a high risk flood zone because it’s close to a creek. The feds just plucked 20 grand (or more) in property value out of my pocket, in addition to the $1500 a year I’m now going to have to pay in flood insurance.

And if they nix the mortgage interest deduction also? Bastards.