
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/28/2015 5:15:19 am PDT

re: #319 Timothy Watson

Haven’t been watching Game of Thrones much this season (only the first two episodes) but it looks like they pissed a lot of people off and lost 840,000 viewers for it.

There was a lot of pushback about the rape scene with Sansa on her wedding night. Personally, I found it disturbing, but quite in keeping with the Boltons’ total inhumanity toward their subjects. One female critic — I need to find the link — said she felt Sansa’s situation was understandable and unavoidable, given the setting and premise of the book and show, and that Sansa’s long range plan was to recover her family’s birthright by any means possible.

I decided to hide the previous paragraph, because the scene I mention happens after episode 2.

I think some people might be growing weary of GOT because of its glacial pace. When is Danaerys going to Westeros? What about those dragons? Will winter ever fucking come? And so on. There are all these subplots and story threads to follow, and with such a long lag time between seasons, it may be hard for casual viewers to maintain their interest.