
Wednesday Night Acoustic Jam: Antoine Dufour, "Talk"

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS12/24/2015 9:30:34 am PST

re: #313 Feline Fearless Leader

Though from my understanding snowpack in the Sierras is much more important than just the reservoir levels. How many days of irrigation is that 15’ of lake level worth? Not to mention getting enough groundwater absorption going to help the aquifers.

More important for irrigation systems and such (the snowpack is above normal at this time, hurrah!), but I also think of an entire state of stressed and dying trees and other wildlife. This will help a lot.

(On the UC Berkeley campus, the fern I mourned in summer has actually put out a couple of tiny new leaves, and the grassy areas they didn’t water are turning green again. Not only that, some of the lawns they covered with tree choppings in preparation for the low-water new plantings have green poking up through them. Evidently it’s not so easy to kill off grass — if almost a year of total dryness didn’t do it.)