
Daily Beast Reports: Donald Trump's Wild Drug-Fueled Underage Sex Parties

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/25/2016 5:21:32 am PDT

re: #326 Patricia Kayden

To be honest, I’m a little confused as to what exactly is cultural appropriation. I’ve seen Africans accuse African Americans of culturally appropriating African culture (clothes, hairstyles, etc) which is confusing to me because AAs are of African descent even if they don’t know what country their ancestors were from.

Cultural appropriation is a topic I’ll just stay out of. Seems too emotional and confrontational.

Cultural appropriation is when fashion models wear Native war bonnets (which Native women could never wear, AFAIK) as a fashion statement, or when millennials dress up in Plains Indian leather breeches and vests in an effort to “get close to nature.”

I would argue that New Age appropriation of sweat lodges and spirit animals would be another example.