
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

keithgabryelski7/20/2009 1:31:06 pm PDT

re: #325 poteen

His mother was born in Kansas. It wouldn’t matter if he was born on Venus, he is a US citizen by law.

that’s not totally true. There are twisty rules about who is a citizen of the USA if one parent is a citizen, the other isn’t a citizen, and the baby is born on foreign soil. The amount of time the parent spent in/out of American soil be part of that equation.

It doesn’t matter BECAUSE President Obama’s birth certificate has been presented.

All other things are “ANDS” and “BUTS”

… BUT, what if he was born in kenya — he wasn’t
… AND, the Hawaiian DOH confirmed his citizenship — good story bro, but not required.