
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

sattv4u211/18/2009 11:32:48 am PST

re: #303 Cineaste

Please explain to me the “heightened” security risk we’ll face if that man is tried here, as opposed to all the other terrorists and drug king-pins we’ve tried here?

Lets set aside the security probelms just for a moment (although I don’t recall what 100+ story office towers a Pablo Escobar or a John Gotti flew commercial airliners into)

Lets talk legalese
For KSM, please define “jury of his peers”?
Once all the people and procedures are in place, please tell me how soon before his lawyers ask for change of venue?
Once a CIA, FBI, DOD soldier in the chain of command starting with Gitmo Guards and working his way up, where do you envision the defense attorney stopping?