
Video: Political Sheep from Hell

torrentprime2/04/2010 1:33:49 pm PST

re: #316 Racer X


CA is fucked because the politicians continue to spend money irresponsibly. Google and you will find hundreds of instances of wasteful spending. Saying you aren’t getting enough money coming in is like saying “I don’t have enough money to live like a millionaire, but I’m going to anyway”.

Live within your means.

Wrong. Do you know what the prop system did to the legislature’s ability to govern? How much of the budget is required to go to this and that, chosen by the people in a bare 50% +1 vote and then unable to be overridden? Try balancing your checkbook when the neighbors get to decide what 1/3 of your money goes to.

Which part of the CA budget would you cut? We already know what the governor pushed through - cuts to education and medicine, but a nice hard line on prisons and non-violent offenders - it’s more important to keep pot smokers in jail than provide aid to the sick and elderly. Argh.