
Overnight Open Thread

_RememberTonyC3/09/2010 6:22:26 am PST

re: #327 Obdicut

Sorry, among Western nations. But the humor part of it is the part that I really find weird; it’s like an implicit condoning of rape as a penalty, which is kinda disgusting to me.

If we really think rape is a good punishment to use, we ought to put it into law. If we don’t think it is, we ought to crack down on it, because I cannot imagine anyone going to prison on some relatively minor charge and being raped not coming out with a deep hatred for the justice system. I don’t think they learn to avoid prison, I think they learn to become more hardened and know they can’t depend on the justice system to justly protect them.

rape is a criminal act, period. prisoners tend to be criminals. a friend of mine was a prison warden who just retired. they do their best, but unless every criminal inmate is in lockdown all the time, criminal acts will occur. do I condone it? of course not. but criminals do criminal acts. Human nature and all that …