
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

SanFranciscoZionist12/15/2011 4:17:23 pm PST

re: #235 prononymous

Yep. I think that the current state of porn is distorting male (and female to a degree) perceptions about what is normal, erotic, etc. Many young people are going straight for the gonzo which is not going to lead to a good perspective about healthy sexual relationships.

That said, a lot of women’s magazines and websites seem almost as clueless. I’ve seen lots of comments in articles and columns about how ‘no one’ doesn’t at least shave down to a landing strip, or wax down thar regularly.

A quick and covert glance around the ladies’ locker room at my suburban gym in hip Northern California suggests otherwise. But young women reading this stuff have no real way to judge.