
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

BishopX7/08/2013 9:40:01 pm PDT

re: #320 klys

There are always conspiracy theories run amok, the problem is that there isn’t really any counterbalance aside from anonymous admin officials and there are senators telling us not to trust them either.

My personal take in line with McSpiff’s #321. Snowden was a systems guy, he probably had a reasonably good handle on what the system could do, but not necessarily what it was allowed to do. Also, given the fact that he was working at a remote location for a contractor n a rapidly growing industry (this sector didn’t really exist 10 years ago) I wouldn’t be surprisined if some of the access controls were a little bit lighter than they should have been. They would explain some of his more outlandish claims about access as well the ease that he pulled this off.

Given the scope of these projects I imagine he got some of the details wrong as well (most people screw up remembering the details of a $1 million dollar project, much less a $1 billion dollar one).