
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

William10/07/2009 11:39:55 pm PDT

Given the scale of planet Earth, looking at “climate change” over a 30-year period is folly.

Check the chart at 5:17 in the video. A sharp cooling followed the Industrial Revolution, and the temperature remained virtually unchanged from 1900 to 1960 — this is also mostly meaningless.

Earth is too large to measure changes in this way.

This is basic stuff learned in Geology 101. There has never been “Climate Constant” here on Earth, but rather periods of cooling and warming, as the planets do not have perfect orbits, unchanging axes, or unchanging magnetic fields. Mort importantly, the output and behavior of the Sun also varies.

Humans, in their arrogance, tend to think everything as we know it ‘today’ is as it’s always been. In reality, we are flying precariously through space at 67,000 miles per hour on a massive molten rock, interacting with other bodies and events in the Solar System.

The context of these charts is that of a flea noticing how it’s getting warmer as noon approaches, and becoming alarmed at the crisis, when there’s a whole day, week, month, year, decade, century, and millennium, of weather to follow.