
Overnight Bird

lawhawk11/18/2009 7:09:14 am PST

Obama: KSM Will Be Convicted….

And moments after realizing that he just prejudiced the potential jury pool clarified and extended his remarks to say that he’s not prejudicing the jury and that it’s his hope he’s convicted.

This is the word of a constitutional law scholar?

The Administration is tying itself in knots trying to explain away its decision to try KSM in court while other terrorists get the tribunal treatment. And as others have already pointed out upthread, the left is crowing not because of the trials, but because of the political fallout against the Bush Administration and this is seen as a rebuke of Bush policies.

You know what other Bush policies are under attack these days, those Bush tax cuts that went into effect in 2001 and 2003. Obama’s economic team is looking at letting them all expire because the feds need the money more than you do.