
The Proudly Ignorant Party

McSpiff4/07/2010 3:06:09 pm PDT

re: #327 DaddyG

I’d characterize it as the confederacy set up the dominoes, dared the Union to kick them over then stuck their finger in the Union’s eye just to make sure they were paying attention.

Were they wrong. Yes. Were they on shaky constitutional ground. Yes. Did they see themselves as justified and thus “invaded” by the North. Yes.

Why is it important we understand the frame of reference of the other side even if they were wrong? So we can learn from the past and not just sit in our present time being smug and ignorant about how these things get started in the first place.

I guess I just feel that saying ‘well, they really truly thought they had been invaded’ just gives more fuel to those who are already screaming about the federal government stepping on ‘state’s rights’. But I do see your point.