
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

McSpiff7/08/2013 9:44:08 pm PDT

re: #329 chadu


That’s why the people talking about these things, doing these things, are important!

Point of information: Technical *and* policy are in my wheelhouse here.

It’s easy to figure out who I am and what I’ve done. Never made any bones about it.

I tell you three times: the people who work with this tech are good people, concerned about the rights of man, balanced against an asymmetrical war of information. Maybe a couple have been iffy, but the others tend to stop him or her, unless everything goes pear-shaped.

This is one of the reasons Snowden pisses me off so mightily.

I know good men and women who would never do what this idiot has: abused his access.

I guess my perspective is different. I’m on the vendor side. I just know what we can send down the wire. The capabilities are mind blowing. It would be incredibly easy to abuse, but I suspect you already know that. And there’s really no way for anyone outside of a relatively small community to verify that. Congress can only trust they’re being told the whole truth. We can only trust that behind closed doors that they’re acting in the American’s people best interest.