
Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM) Dumps Loony Right Wing Hate-Blogger After Outcry

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/29/2014 7:59:20 am PDT

re: #330 Dark_Falcon

Not sure, but the speech he gave showed that he’s drunk Putin’s Kool-Aid when it comes to the Crimea.

I just don’t understand why anyone in the States would like or trust Putin. I’m not an expert in Russian affairs, but I wouldn’t buy a used car from the man. The impression I get from my Ukrainian friends is that Russia has been itching to reacquire Ukraine for years, and Putin may just be the guy who will get it done.

Makes me nervous, frankly. Kim Jong-un is a wacko, but his global influence and power is limited. Ditto Mugabe. Putin and Russia still have some mojo left, or at least the belief they have mojo left.