
Another Spectacular New Track From Marcus King: "Mood Swings" (Lyric Video)

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈2/12/2024 9:00:26 am PST

I have some doubt as to whether a tablet can really stop a bullet.

A Texas door-to-door salesman was called a racial slur and shot at by a resident at a home he stopped at β€” but was miraculously saved by his electronic tablet device that blocked the bullet.

The victim, who works for Reliant Energy, was left β€œshook up” by the terrifying ordeal at the Fort Worth residence.

β€œHe just came out and just straight pointed the barrel at me and then shot me and told me to β€˜get away from here, nβ€”β€”-,’” the victim, whose name was not disclosed, told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth. β€œI’m lucky it didn’t hit me, it hit the tablet.”

Texas salesman called racial slur and shot at by homeowner, saved by tablet device blocking bullet (NBC)