
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

Dar ul Harb1/11/2009 12:51:52 pm PST

So, how does CNN respond to Mr. Martin’s account that he sent the pre-packaged video on out the door to Western media outlets without any editorial review? Is this an acceptable level of professionalism for CNN, to just slap that footage on the air?


Curious isn’t it that Mr. Martin’s friend in the war zone has the facility to view and edit the video, while Mr. Martin, who runs the video distributor is outside of Gaza, and doesn’t?

The parsimonous explanation is that Mr. Martin needed to come up with some explanation as to why the raw source video is unavailable “until after the war.”

Yet the obvious counter to that is, how’s he getting his video out now, and why can’t he use the same means to provide the footage that will make us all look like heartless bastards, as Mr. Martin seems to argue we are?