
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

realwest2/09/2009 7:43:45 am PST

re: #288
I think you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head there reine!
I’m not sure that the Vatican understands how quickly positions can be circulated (and mis-communications and rumors and out and out lies) and that, for the Pope to retain his authority amongs several hundred million Roman Catholics, he or someone in the Vatican has to be reminded of this.
It’s not so much that the Pope would lose “credibility” or “authority” within the Church, but that the Church - as peceived to be in the person of the Pope - really needs to get with it. I’m not a Catholic or any other kind of religion basher, but it seems to me that if the Pope want’s to continue to be a FORCE in world affairs, he needs much better and faster communication skills and especially needs to learn how to LISTEN to other people better than he has shown so far.