
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Salamantis5/05/2009 4:16:55 pm PDT

re: #57 nikis-knight

What biological research that doesn’t involve the destruction of human embryos has been blocked by any conservative?
And isn’t the research that does merit a discussion?
I’d agree with him, except that abortion is so very much more important than even the rapid transformation of America to socialism to me. It is disgusting that it is allowed, and a party that doesn’t take a firm stand against it will lose my respect.
Also, heterosexual marriage is the best way of producing and enculturating healthy new people, and should absolutely be prized above other unions. Of course, in a sane federalist society, that is a state issue, and it would be nice if it stayed that way. Ditto the other “sex” issues he mentions, but they are by and large valid issues for states to address, inasmuch as they intersect valid functions of government.
Likewise ID; a politicians view on evolution is irrelevant nationally; it matters to states, and governers and law-makers should let the scientific evidence that has passed the test of time alone be taught.

But if Americans are writing off the republicans because a couple side issues are being brought up when they should be left to states, when the current administration is trying to annex so much of the entire economy which government should have no role in, to be arbiters of economic success and failure, that just blind.

So you disagree with the article; you think that Repubs SHOULD campaign on sex and religion, with the Bible in one hand and puritanical prurience in the other.

/good luck with that; it seems to be working so well so far…