
America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/02/2009 12:07:08 pm PDT

This is what we get from blind, and unreasoning hatred.

You have to hate Obama a lot if you would rather that nothing goes right for America, so that you can be bitter about him.

One could argue that people who loved America would want America to succeed in all things.

Isn’t it obvious that the far right actually doesn’t love America?

They hate American values like separation of church and state, the notion that all people are created equal (you can’t really believe that and hate black people or entire faiths), fair play, the rule of law (you can’t really believe in that and threaten your government by waggling guns around), telling the truth and scientific endeavor.

Some talk about secession.

Some talk openly of treason.

People like Fox news, Malkin and Rush and the various far right bots that eat their drivel up, are nothing more than Anti American fools.

If you hate basic American values and the American government, you are anti American.

If you want America to fail, you are Anti-American.