
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

darthstar4/05/2011 1:01:10 pm PDT

Peter King got a letter!

King and his staff haven’t seen the package, but a congressional source told POLITICO that the pig’s foot was bloody and that the letter was “a rambling type” of message conveying anti-Semitic sentiments. At one point, it refers to King as a “Jew,” though he is Catholic.

“Somewhere in the message it says ‘all the babies in America will be named Mohammed,’” the source said. The letter also says “kiss my black Muslim ass.”
The source said: “I guess you have to interpret it as a threat. It’s certainly not a sign of affection.”

Meanwhile, Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American Islamic Relations and a frequent King critic, said his group often receives pig-themed hate mail. “My guess is it was an anti-Muslim bigot, and bigots not being brain surgeons they probably got their signals crossed,

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