
Romney Blasts Secularism, Endorses Mixing Church and State

Birth Control Works12/18/2011 12:24:22 am PST

re: #332 Slumbering Behemoth

I highly doubt that is “What Mitt Wants”. Sounds like a fun “What If” party game to play, eh? “What Mitt Wants”. This weekend it could be one thing, the next weekend, another.

Anyway, I highly doubt that is what he really wants. He’s playing to a base that he foolishly thinks will accept him if he hits the right notes. Should that base have their say in the direction of this country, Mitt’s kith would be as marginalized as any other “outsider” group, and he knows it.

He’s making a cynical, transparent shot at “I’m Christian Just Like You”, which I think will fail miserably because he does not seem to understand the singular, bigoted nature of the “target market” which he is trying to appeal to.

He can “god-bother” all he likes to that target market, but they will never accept a Mormon.

What Mitt Wants …

is to be POTUS.