
Hilarious Short of the Day: Macaulay Culkin Is Back, and He's Seriously Pissed Off

Testy Toad T12/18/2015 9:27:30 am PST

Good morning, lizards. Have we discussed this long and fantastic article about Trump and OODA loops yet?

Saw Nate Silver retwitter it and it consumed my coffee break.

[Wikipedia] The OODA loop has become an important concept in litigation,[1] business[2] and military strategy. According to Boyd, decision-making occurs in a recurring cycle of observe-orient-decide-act. An entity (whether an individual or an organization) that can process this cycle quickly, observing and reacting to unfolding events more rapidly than an opponent, can thereby “get inside” the opponent’s decision cycle and gain the advantage. Frans Osinga argues that Boyd’s own views on the OODA loop are much deeper, richer, and more comprehensive than the common interpretation of the ‘rapid OODA loop’ idea.[3]