
Stephen Colbert: Trump Hates White House Leaks, According to White House Leaks

wrenchwench5/22/2018 4:27:19 pm PDT

re: #326 KGxvi

It’s tough to say on the first part because the Dems lost a lot of ground in the Senate and governor’s races during the Obama years, so once Biden bowed out, there wasn’t really any other viable candidates. But the fact that Bernie fucking Sanders won 23 primaries/caucuses suggests that she was vulnerable in 2016 the way that she was in 2008.

On the second point, there are obviously a lot of factors that played into the result. Some of which the Clinton campaign bears responsibility for, but much of which they do not.

When I was a kid, wingnuts were known as ‘reactionaries’. The reactionaries came to the fore when Obama was elected. They got a new lease on life when Hillary was campaigning. I couldn’t believe the reactionaries teamed up with the Russians, but they did. Now we begin the recovery.