
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Diphthong

makeitstop10/31/2018 8:23:55 am PDT

Pretty good piece from Politico on how the alt-right has scattered - Trump’s Culture Warriors Go Home

The constant infighting has worn thin on many in this loose-knit network, some of whom would not discuss their gripes on the record. Cernovich has no such qualms. “I just found myself around people who half of them I just really don’t like at all,” he says. “You’re working with people who are really just bad people, man. They’re gossipmongers.”

Even the Trumpists’ publicity stunts are starting to fizzle, as the enthusiasm of their followers wanes and the shock value fades with repetition. The Unite the Right 2 rally, held in Washington in August as a sequel to Charlottesville, was a shadow of the previous summer’s fiasco. Fewer than 40 demonstrators showed up, and they were shouted down by thousands of anti-racist counterdemonstrators.

In September, the right-wing activist Laura Loomer interrupted a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing at which Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was testifying to protest the platform’s decision to suspend the accounts of various Trump supporters. A year earlier, when she and fellow pro-Trump provocateur Jack Posobiec had interrupted a Central Park staging of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” in which Caesar was modeled on Trump, the public disruption had made national news. This time, coverage of the Capitol Hill stunt focused more on the deadpan response from Missouri Republican Rep. Billy Long, who drowned out Loomer’s screams with a stream of auctioneer babble.